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SMC Membership Directory


Lisa Adams

Keairra Adams

Diedra Alexander

Amani Alexander

Adrina Allen

Crystal Allen

Kendra Allen

Tonya Allen-Shaw

Lisa Ambers

Sylvia Anderson

Sade Araballo-Peterson 

KierraAshlee Armstrong

Kara Lyn Arrington

Nana Bailey-Thomas

Lamanthia Barfield

La-Toya Barnes

Diedra Barnett

Kamisha Battle-Jackson

Michele Bell

Natalie Bennett

Angelique Berry

Stephanie Black

Juanita Brinkley-Hall

Beatrice Harris Brooks

Joselyn Brown

Bonnie Brown-Impastato 

Kanika Burrell

Monate Butler

Shelly Casey

Cookie Clark

Kelly Cobbs

Yolanda Coleman Brown

Tresa Corbin

Danyale Corradi

Pamela Crenshaw

Kateara Cypress

Alisa Daniels-McLeish

Angela Dankwah-Dempsey

Felicia Davis

Kasia Davis

Merechia Davis

Donna Davis

Alicia Dawson

Ernestine Diggs

Garcia Dixon

Gloria Nichols Dixon

Karleshia Dorsey

Antionette (Sherease) Doublin

Breana Durrah

Cheryl Eggleston

Nadine Fleming

Melba Ford

LaRhonda Gamble

Teresa Gonzalez

Gia Grady

Jessica Grant

Jacqueline ("Jackie") Gray

Sheila Gray

Tracy Gray-Rhinehart

Nakeia Green

Shelley Hardy

Velma Hart

Charlitha Hawkins

Athena Hemphill

Angela Hendrix-Bell

Emma Henry

Dora Holmes

Maude Holt

Elise Horne

Darlene Jackson

Courtney Jennings

Rita Joe

Angela Johnson

Robin Johnson

LaTia Jones

Joan Windham Justice

Tamisha Kelly Smith

DeLois Klemm

Kornegay Kornegay

Linda Lewis

Traci Lewis

Juanita Love

Kelly Lytton

Rononica Martin

Cynthia Mason-Posey

Lisa Maynor

Patrice Mcjett

Teresa McKenzie

Michele McNeill

Yonelle Moore Lee

Michele Murphy

Bridgit Nelson

Charlene Newsome

Linda Williams Oliphant

Yolanda Penn

Michelle Perkins

Yvette Presley

Lynnett Prior

Robinessa Prior

Tonya Watson Prior

Iris Pulliam

LaVerne Randolph

Wanda Rice

Stephanie Rivers

Marie Rodgers O'Bannon

Vonda Roseborough

Anissa Saunders

Margot Savoy

Rochelle Savoy

Janet Simmons

Lauren Simmons

Robbin Simonds-Flannagan

Maxine Griffin Somerville

Sambrina Spier

TréSina E. Steger

Lisa Stidham

Dyotha Sweat

Seirra Thomas

Juanita Thomas

Angela Thompson

Coletta Treakle

Maxine Samms Washington

Christilene Whalen

Kenya Wiggins

Gloria Wiggs

Shandra Wilkerson

Ursula Williams

Lesa Wood

Zacquekine Wright

Monica Young

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